Guyana 10-11 SEP 2002.

‘All Nations Quest’ Ep 7:
Guyana 10-11 SEP 2002.
The flight from Suriname into Georgetown, Guyana was inspirational. Finally we witnessed lush, green jungle as far as the eye could see. In fact, 95% of Guyana is forested. Sadly the situation on the ground made even Caracas seem welcoming!
Formerly British Guiana, Guyana is the only country in South America that officially speaks English. In its heyday Georgtown was probably a pleasant, thriving port town. Now, since independence in 1966, it was plagued by racial problems and a stagnant economy. It was scruffy & neglected.
More Dangerous than Caracas!
To make matters worse, the USA had recently deported 150 hardened Guyanan criminals back to Georgetown from US jails. They were roaming the streets causing havoc and 11 policement had been killed in the recent past. This was now a very sad and very dangerous city.

A moment of joy came when we stopped at the Providence Primary School, located on the main road between the airport and city. John took up the ‘My Dream’ and photography duties while I gave the class an impromptu geography lesson on where we came from and where we were going!
An Outstanding Student!
Michael Sookhdeo, selected by his teacher as an outstanding student, offered us his dream “To go to Australia because I love cricket”. Woo hoo, smart kid indeed. Although I’ve not as yet seen his name on any Aussie Sheffied Shield team lists.

Our overnight stay was at the heavily fortified, high-walled, Le Meridien Hotel. We were warned not to venture onto the city streets at any time of the night …. or day!
Next morning, one cool dude named ‘Roy Man’ was our taxi driver back to the airport. Tall, lithe and fast-thinking he propelled us through the city with doors locked and windows up. Once out of the CBD the windows came down. the music turned up and we cruised through our very last South American taxi ride safe & sound.
Next episode we hit the Caribbean! Check out past episodes.