Updated: 28FEB22.
It’s time to fly once more. Handy tips for entering Singapore.
STEP 1: Review this official Singapore Govt Update.
Singapore Infographic V12 for the handy guide provided by Singapore Govt. This latest version is dated 17FEB22. Please ignore the web link on this document to obtain a Vaccinated Travel Pass (VTP) for Singapore. It is incorrect. Please use the web link provided below in Step 3.
STEP 2: Order of Processing Formalities.
CLICK HERE for the correct order to process all required formalities to enter Singapore.
STEP 3: Review of Bhutan & Beyond Observations Below:
These observations below will complement the official advice, on entering Singapore, in Steps 1 and 2 above. They will reiterate the key requirements to aid travellers to be prepared well in advance and to also advise you of the current requirement to re-enter Australia after your trip.
- Travellers Transiting/Transferring through Singapore’s Changi Airport:
* You no longer require a pre-departure PCR/ART test, before flying in to Singapore, if you are only changing planes and continuing your journey within hours (and do not leave the airport).
* However, departing travellers from Singapore must abide by the COVID-19 regulations for their next destination. That may well mean a PCR/ART test before commencing your journey is required. Please ensure you check your next destination requirements well in advance.
- Travellers Entering Singapore for Stopovers or Extended Stays:
* Take a Pre-Departure PCR Test, from an internationally accredited or NATA recognized laboratory, clinic or medical facility, within 48 hours of your flight departure time to Singapore. You must carry your official negative test result with you when you travel.
* Apply for a Vaccinated Travel Pass for Singapore (VTP). Once your VTP is approved you can book your arrival ART test in Singapore in advance.
* Download the VisitSingapore app AND complete your Singapore Arrival Card in advance.
* Download the TraceTogether app onto your Smartphone via Google Play or Apple App stores. This is an important tool for your stay in Singapore.
* You must provide details of all travel undertaken in the previous 7 days prior to arriving in Singapore.
* Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) travellers must have remained only in one or more of the approved VTL countries/regions over the previous 7 days before arrival in Singapore.
* VTL travellers arriving at Singapore Changi Airport MUST take a medically supervised self-swab Antigen Rapid Test (ART) within 24 hours of arrival at one of the many testing sites across Singapore. The list of testing sites will be provided to travellers on entry at Changi Airport, or you can view them & advance book a test, once your VTP has been approved via the Visit Singapore app (SG). Our recommendation is you take this ART before checking in at your hotel if possible.
* Travellers MUST isolate in their accommodation, except when travelling to/from their nearest Singapore ART testing site & pending their negative result.
* Travellers MUST hold travel insurance with a separate COVID-19 medical cover of not less than SG$30,000.
* Departing travellers must abide by the COVID-19 regulations for their next destination. That may well mean a further PCR/ART test before flying. Please ensure you check your next destination requirements well in advance.
- Travellers Returning to Australia:
Please ensure you check these two web links. A PCR Test is essential before you board your aircraft to Australia. And the Australian Government also requires travellers to complete a Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) in advance. You can do this online up to 7 days before flying to Australia.